Template Development

What is a Yondo Template?

Included with a Yondo account is a hosted store website. This provides a front-end for your customers to use when browsing your live session listings, video-on-demand and webinar products. A highly customizable template engine provides the web content for this front-end. Every Yondo store uses either a standard template, or a custom installed template. A template is basically a collection of html, css and other standard files you would find on a website.

How do I develop a Template?

Go to the Yondo Partner Network and sign up for a developer account. Here you can create and upload your template, and create a development store to test your template. The editing functions are quite basic, most developers create their template externally and just upload when done.

My template is empty, how do I get started?

Download a Zip of the sample classic template, sample affinity template or sample circular template, and upload it to the files section of your template. This will load the template with the files from the sample template.

Template Structure

A template is made up of template files. These are regular html/liquid files, css, js etc. Templates which require server side rendering have a .liquid extension and use the Liquid template engine.

Root directory /

The root directory contains all of the .liquid files. The names of the .liquid files must match the page to be rendered. See each page section for more information.

Standard template files:

  • base.liquid


  • base.liquid
  • cancel-booking.liquid
  • checkout.liquid
  • checkout-complete.liquid
  • dashboard.liquid
  • embed-video.liquid
  • forgot-password.liquid
  • home.liquid
  • listing.liquid
  • login.liquid
  • materials.liquid
  • package.liquid
  • page.liquid
  • profile.liquid
  • recording.liquid
  • reschedule-booking.liquid
  • reset-password.liquid
  • search.liquid
  • session-archive.liquid
  • session-calendar.liquid
  • start.liquid
  • video-search.liquid
  • video.liquid
  • webinar-access.liquid
  • webinar-attachments.liquid
  • webinar-calendar.liquid
  • webinar-topic.liquid


  • custom-fields.liquid
  • listing-card.liquid
  • portfolio.liquid
  • team-member-card.liquid
  • video-player-scripts.liquid
  • video-player.liquid
  • video-purchase-partial.liquid
  • video-tab.liquid
  • webinar-topic-card.liquid

Assets directory /assets

This contains all of the files you want to reference from within your pages. Things like .css, .less, .js. These files must be in the /assets directory because this is where the asset_url filter references files.

Within the /assets directory you can lay out your files anyway you like, and use sub-directories many levels deep.

.less files

.less files can be used within the /assets directory. They will be processed server side. The sample template uses bootstrap .less files which are compiled dynamically. This allows you to make changes to a few settings in the variables.less to have great impact on your site.

Store varables

.css and .less files within the /assets directory can make use of liquid variables which are pumped into the file from settings related to the store. eg

// assets/style.css
.header {
	background-color: {{ store-header-color }};

Current store varables are:

Variable Info
{{ store-header-color}} The hex color set in the Store Settings > Header Color

Liquid Markup

Yondo handles most of the standard liqiuid features including:

  • Extend (layout / master page). eg {% extends base %} use the base.liquid as the layout/master page.
  • Blocks defined in layout page. eg {% block content %} Hello World {% endblock %} fills the content block from the layout page.
  • Include (partials / snippets). eg {% include mypartial %} inserts mypartial.liquid into the page.
  • For loops.
  • If conditions.
  • Filters.

More details here: Liquid for Designers

Custom Filters

Yondo has some custom filters which can be used when referencing variables using Liquid.

HTML Filters

  • img_tag - takes a URL (relative or absolute) and returns an image tag.
  • stylesheet_tag - takes a URL (relative or absolute) and returns a link tag.
  • script_tag - takes a URL (relative or absolute) and returns a script tag.
  • meta_tags - takes the page name (eg ‘home’, ‘listing’ etc) and returns a series of meta tags used for SEO. This should be added to the <head>.
  • local_time - takes a datetime in UTC and returns a script tag which renders the date as the browser’s local time. Requires moment.js.
  • from_x - takes a datetime in UTC and returns a script tag which renders the date as a time from now in a human readable format. eg ‘in 5 days’.
  • google_analytics_page_view_script_tag - takes Google Tracking Id and and returns Google Analytics script tag.
  • google_analytics_event_script_tag - takes Google Tracking Id and return Google Analytics event tracking script tag.

URL Filters

  • asset_url - takes a relative reference to a file in the /assets folder and returns a public URL for the file. eg {{ 'css/style.css' | asset_url }} returns a public url for the /assets/css/style.css file. This URL may be served through a CDN for improved speed.

Note: Filters can be chained together. A common usage is like this:
{{ 'css/style.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }} which outputs: <link href='/cdn/1/assets/css/style.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='all' />

Money Filters

  • money - takes a number and returns a formatted money using the store’s currency symbol. eg ‘$25.00’. Zero is output as ‘Free’.
  • money_with_currency - same as money but appends the ISO currency code. eg ‘$25.00 USD’.
  • money_with_currency - same as money but drops the currency symbol. eg “25.00’.

JSON Filters

  • json - takes the variable and outputs the JSON format. eg 'this is a string variable' or '{ prop: 'value' }'

JSON filter is mostly used for rendering a liquid variable inside a <script> tag to use in javascript. eg:

		var listing = {{ listing | json }};


    	var listing = { name:'sample', price:25 };

Template Data

The following data objects are available on different template pages.


This is an object to represent a store. It contains store information about what is the store’s name, logo, header color, alias Url, subdomain Url and setting.

id integer An unique integer identifier of a store
name string The name of a store
logo string The logo URL of a store
wideLogo string The wide logo URL of a store
selectedLogo string The selected logo URL of a store
selectedLogoClass string The class name of selected logo of a store
headerColor string Header color of a store
aliasUrl string Alias URL of a store
subdomainUrl string Subdomain URL of a store
currency string The currency which a store uses for payment
currencySymbol string The currency symbol used as as shorthand for a currency’s name
bannerImageUrl string The banner image URL of a store
ssoType string The type of single sign on of a store
webinarNoun string The name of webinar that a store uses
webinarNounPlural string The name of webinar that a store uses
setting Object Additional settings enabled for the store
googleAnalyticsTrackingId string Google analytics tracking Id of a store
customTrackingScript string custom javascript tracking code of a store

Team Member

This is an object to represent a team member in a store.

id integer An unique integer identifier of a team member
displayName string An unique display name of a team member
url string Relative URL of a team member’s profile page
profileDescription string Description of a team member’s profile
profileImageUrl string The URL of team member’s profile image
profileThumbUrl string The URL of team member’s profile image thumbnail size 50px x 50px
profileThumb32Url string The URL of team member’s profile image thumbnail size 32px x 32px
country string The name of a team member’s country
qualificationsHtml string Qualification that a team member hold. It contains html content.
location string Location of a team member
bannerImageUrl string The banner image URL of a team member
firstName string The first name of a team member
LastName string The last name of a team member
fullName string The full name of a team member


This is an object to represent current user’s session. FirstName, LastName, DisplayName and ProfileImage are only shown when a user is logged in.

isLoggedIn boolean Login status of an user. It is true if an user is already logged in
firstName string First name of an user. It is null if an user is not logged in
lastName string Last name of an user. It is null if an user is not logged in
customerId integer An unique integer identifier of an user
email string The email address of an user
languages string Languages of an user’s browser
dateFormat string Date format of an user


This is an object to represent a live session listing. It represents a single class/consultation for a specific duration and price.

id integer An unique integer identifier of a listing
title string A title of a listing
price integer Price of a listing in dollar per duration
duration integer Duration of a listing
descriptionHtml string Description of a listing. It contains html content.
prerequisiteHtml string A listing is required to be taken before taking a listing. It contains html content
url string Relative URL of a listing
availability boolean Availability of a listing
materials Array of Material objects A list of listing materials
portfolios Portfolio object A portfolio for the listing
teamMember Team Member object Details of a team member providing a listing
category string The name of category that a listing is classified
type string The type of a listing to specifiy
image220Url string The URL of a listing image size 220px x 165px
image360Url string The URL of a listing image size 360px x 270px
image580Url string The URL of a listing image size 580px x 435px
upcommingAvaliability Array of Date A list of upcomming availability in UTC of a listing
published boolean status of a listing


This is an object to represent a material attached to a listing. eg worksheet or file download.

id integer An unique integer identifier of a material
fileName string Actual file name of a material
name string The name of a material
description string Description of a material
downloadUrl string Download URL of a material. Download URL is only provided when an user booked a listing

This is an object to represent a custom page.

title string The name of a custom page
url string The URL of a custom page

Paging Information

This is an object to represent paging information for the current result set.

number integer Current page number
size integer The number of results to be returned per page
totalResults integer The total number of results
totalPages integer The total pages of results
prev boolean Availability of previous page
next boolean Availability of next page


This is an object to represent a portfolio item of a store or a team member.

id integer An unique integer identifier of a portfolio
sequence integer Sequence of portfolio
portfolioAsset PortfolioAsset Object

Portfolio Asset

id integer An unique integer identifier of a portfolio asset
assetType integer A type of an asset (1: Video, 2: Document and 3: Image)
assetTypeName string The name of an asset (none, Video, Document and Image)
imageUrl string Asset’s image UrlWhen an asset type is image, this field is set
imageThumbUrl string Asset’s image thumb UrlWhen an asset type is image, this field is set
videoUrl string Asset’s video UrlWhen an asset type is video, this field is set
comment string Explain about what a document is. When an asset type is document, this field is set
documnetUrl string Asset’s document Url. When an asset type is document, this field is set
documentThumbUrl string Asset’s document thumb Url. When an asset type is document, this field is set

Site Infomation

This is an object to represent Yondo website details.

sitePath string The URL of a store’s dashboard
alternateHomePage string The URL of Yondo
nakedDomain string Naked domain of Yondo
siteName string The name of Yondo
copyrightThe string The copyright of Yondo
stripeConnectClientId string


This is an object to represent a section provided by a store.

id string An unique string identifier of a section
heading string The name of a section


This is an object to represent a video in a store

id integer An unique integer identifier of a video
title string A title of a video
author string The name of publisher or producer of a video
uploadedDate string Uploaded date of a video
duration integer Duration of a video
descriptionHtml string Description of a video. It contains html content.
url string Relative URL of a listing
thumbnail220Url string The URL of a video thumbnail image size 220px x 165px
thumbnail360Url string The URL of a video thumbnail image size 360px x 270px
thumbnail720Url string The URL of a video thumbnail image size 720px x 405px
tags Array of string A list of string to identify a video
helpLink string The URL of a help page containing information of rentals and subscriptions
rentalPrice integer Rental price of a video in dollar. It is null if a video is not available to rent.
rentalPeriod integer Rental period of a video. It is null if a video is not available to rent.
rentalAvailable boolean Availability of a video to rent
rented boolean Rental status of an user againt a video
rentalExpire string Expiry date of a rental video. It is null if a video is not rented.
subscriptionPrice integer Subscription price of a video in dollar. It is null if a video is not available to rent.
subscriptionAvailable integer Availability of a video to subscribe
subscribed integer Subscription status of an user
subscriptionExpire integer Expiry date of a subscription. It is null if a video is not subscribed.
subscribeAllVideos integer Availablity to subscibe all videos in a store
assets Array of Video Asset object A list of video assets. It is null if a video is not rented or subscribed
availableToWatch boolean Availability to watch a video
previewVideoUrl360p integer The URL of preview video
fileAttachments Array of FileAttachment object A list of FileAttachment objects
callToActionUrl string Relative URL of a call to action

Video Asset

This is an object to represent a video asset.

guid string An unique string identifier of a video asset
url string The URL of a video asset
type string The type of a video asset (144p Low Quality, 360p SD or 720p HD)

File Attachment

This is an object to represent an attachment on a video

filename string The name of an attached file
title string The title of an attachment
description string Description of an attachement
downloadUrl string Download URL of an attachement
icon string The icon to represent an attachment


This is an object to represent a webinar

id integer An unique integer identifier of a webinar
name string A title of a webinar
startTimeUtc string The start time of a webinar in UTC
maxAttendees integer The maximum number of attendees for a webinar
currentAttendees integer The current number of attendees joining a webinar

Webinar Topic

This is an object to represent a webinar topic

id integer An unique integer identifier of a webinar topic
title string A title of a webinar topic
descriptionHtml string Description of a webinar topic. It contains html content.
imageSrc string The URL of a webinar topic image
imageThumbSrc string The URL of a webinar topic thumbnail image
duration integer Duration of a webinar topic
price integer Price of a webinar topic in dollar.
url string The URL of a webinar topic
upcoming Array of Webinar object A list of webinar object

Package Object

This is an object to represent a package of 1-to-1 sessions.

type string “Package”
id integer
title string
price decimal
listings Array of Listing Objects
image220Url decimal
image360Url decimal
image580Url decimal
descriptionHtml string
prerequisiteHtml string

Template Pages

This outlines each page in a Yondo store and the properties available to the template.

To view the properties available on a page add .json to the end of the page you are requesting. eg http://yourstore.yondo.com/.json . This can also be used as an API for retrieving data.



Contains a single listing provided by a store.

Http Method: GET

Request URL Pattern: /{category}/{name}/{id}

{category}: the name of a category (url safe) {name}: the name of a listing (url safe) {id}: A unique integer identifier of a listing

{category} and {name} are not validated and can essentially contain any string. They are part of the URL for SEO purposes.

store Store Object Store basic details providing a listing
session Session Object Current user’s details
listing Listing Object the listing
upcommingAvaliability Array of string A list of upcomming availability in UTC of a listing

Store Landing


The index / home page of a store.

Http Method: GET

Url Pattern: /

store Store Object Store basic details
session Session Object Current user’s details
banner string The URL of a store’s banner image
about string Explanation of a store
portfolios Array of Portfolio objects A list of portfolio items of a store
listings Array of Listing objects A list of live session listings provided by a store
teamMembers Array of TeamMember objects A list of team members belonging to a store
dateTime string The current Date
templatePage string The name of template
checkoutUrl string The URL of checkout
menus Menu object
siteInfo SiteInfo object
sections Sections object
banner string The URL of banner image
about string Description of a store
videos Array of Video objects A list of all Videos
popularVideos Array of Video objects A list of popular Videos
latestVideos Array of Video objects A list of the latest uploaded videos
webinarTopics Array of Webinar Topic objects A list of Webinar Topics

Team Member Profile


Team member’s profile page.

Http Method: GET

Url Pattern: /{displayname}

{ displayname }: an unique display name of a team member

store Store Object Store basic details
session Session Object Current user’s details
teamMember Team Member object Details of a team member
listings Array of Listing objects A list of live session listings provided by a team member
portfolios Array of Portfolio objects A list of portfolio of a team member

Search Results


Search results page

Http Method: GET

Url Patterns:

  • /search?query={query}&page={number}

{query}: keyword used to search listings, videos and webinar topics {number: integer): page number (if page number is not set, it returns the first page of the results)

store Store Object Store basic details
session Session Object Current user’s details
search Object {query: 'query text' }
listings Array of Listing objects A list of listings search by a query
videos Array of Video objects A list of videos search by a query
webinarTopics Array of Webinar Topic objects A list of webinar topics search by a query
page Page Object Current page’s details

Checkout Complete


Customer Dashboard


Customer’s personal dashboard showing purchases, upcoming/past bookings etc. User must be logged in to access.

Http Method: GET

Url: /dashboard

JSON Endpoint: /dashboard.json

store Store Object Store basic details
session Session Object Current user’s details
upcomingBookings Array of Booking objects
pastBookings Array of Booking objects
rentalVideos Array of Rental objects
subscription Subscription object or null if user does not have a VOD subscription.
packages Array of Package Purchase objects A list of packages which have been purchased by the user.
recordings Array of Recording objects Recordings from 1-to-1 sessions.
rentalPlaylists Array of Playlist Rental objects A list of playlists which have been purchased/rented by the user.
page Page Object Current page’s details

Booking Object

startSessionUrl string URL to start the live 1-to-1 session
id integer Unique ID of the booking
listing Listing Object
startTimeUTC string
cancelBookingUrl string URL to initiate a cancellation. Can be null if cancellation not allowed.
rescheduleBookingUrl string URL to initiate a reschedule. Can be null if reschedule not allowed.
materialsUrl string URL to view and download attached files / materials.
connectionType string One of Video, DialIn, DirectContact, InOffice
customFieldResults Object Dictionary of custom field results.

Package Purchase Object

id integer Unique ID of the Package Purchase
packageName string
purchaseDate string In UTC
status integer 0: Closed, 1: Open
items Array of Package Item Object

Package Item Object

id integer Unique ID of the Item in the Package Purchase
isBooked boolean
listing Listing Object

Liquid Example to redeem package item:

{% for package in packages %}
    Package: {{ package.packageName | escape }} purchased {{ package.purchaseDate | local_time }}
    {% for item in package.items %}
    	{% if item.isBooked == false %}
	    {{ item.listing.image220Url | img_tag:item.listing.title }} 
	    {{ item.listing.title | escape }}
	    <button class="make-booking" data-listing="{{ item.listing.id }}" data-from-package="{{ package.id }}">Book Now</button>    
    	{% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<script src="/bookingplugin.js"></script>

Javascript Example to redeem package when embedded on external site:

<script src="https://yourstore.yondo.com/bookingplugin.js"></script>
	// Listing ID and Package Purchase ID must be known. 
	// eg AJAX GET request to https://yourstore.yondo.com/dashboard.json
	var listingId = 1234;
	var fromPackage = 5678;
	bookingcontrol.ShowBookingCalendar(listingId, fromPackage);

Listing Materials




Forgot Password


Reset Password




Landing page for a Package of 1-to-1 sessions.

Http Method: GET

Url: /package/{package-name}/{id}

JSON Endpoint: /package/{package-name}/{id}.json {package-name} is included to be SEO friendly. It can be anything. Only the ID is used.

store Store Object Store basic details
session Session Object Current user’s details
package Package Object
page Page Object Current page’s details

Custom Page



Session add to calendar


Cancel Booking


Video on demand


Contains a single video provided by a store.

Http Method: GET

Request URL Pattern: /video/{name}/{id}

{name}: the name of a video (url safe) {id}: A unique integer identifier of a video

{name} are not validated and can essentially contain any string. They are part of the URL for SEO purposes.

store Store Object Store basic details providing a listing
session Session Object Current user’s details
video Video Object the video



Contains a single webinar topic provided by a store.

Http Method: GET

Request URL Pattern: /webinar/{name}/{id}

{name}: the name of a webinar topic (url safe) {id}: A unique integer identifier of a video

{name} are not validated and can essentially contain any string. They are part of the URL for SEO purposes.

store Store Object Store basic details providing a listing
session Session Object Current user’s details
webinarTopic Webinar Topic Object the webinar topic

Webinar Access


Webinar Attachments


Embed Video


Empty Base


Live Session Test




Reschedule Booking


Session Archive


Public API - JSON endpoints

A JSON data feed is made available for all information shown in your Yondo store website. Use this to fetch data from external services.

Accessing the API is simple. Use a http GET request with Accept: application/json header to any public page on your Yondo store website. Alternatively, add .json suffix to any URL on your Yondo store website.

You can browse your store website and when you find the product which you want as JSON data, add .json to the end of the page you are requesting to view the JSON data in your browser. eg http://yourstore.yondo.com/.json .

Note: The JSON endpoint is currently restricted for Cross Origin domains. Speak to our support staff or dev team if you require access to the API from Cross Origin domains.


Products List (Home)


This lists all published Products and Team Members.

Example Response (truncated):

	"listings": [
			"duration": 30.0,
			"availability": true,
			"materials": [],
			"portfolios": [],
			"teamMember": {
				"profileDescription": "... profile text",
				"country": "United States of America",
				"qualificationsHtml": "",
				"location": "New York, United States of America",
				"bannerImageUrl": null,
				"bookingCountAllTime": 0,
				"bookingCount30Days": 0,
				"id": 1234,
				"firstName": "John",
				"lastName": "Smith",
				"fullName": "John Smith",
				"displayName": "jsmith",
				"url": "/jsmith",
				"profileImageUrl": "..image url",
				"profileThumbUrl": "..image url",
				"profileThumb32Url": "..image url"
			"category": "Consulting",
			"type": "Listing",
			"id": 1234,
			"title": "This is the session title",
			"price": 400.0,
			"image220Url": "..image url",
			"image360Url": "..image url",
			"image580Url": "..image url",
			"url": "/consulting/This-is-the-session-title/1234",
			"descriptionHtml": "... session description",
			"prerequisiteHtml": null,
			"published": true
	"videos": [
			"id": 1234,
			"title": "Double Digit Growth Goals",
			"descriptionHtml": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
			"author": "John Smith",
			"tags": [
			"uploadedDate": "2018-03-15T18:19:09.517",
			"duration": 360,
			"thumbnail220Url": "..image url",
			"thumbnail360Url": "..image url",
			"thumbnail720Url": "..image url",
			"url": "/video/double-digit-growth-goals/1234",
			"rentalPrice": 5.0,
			"rentalPeriod": 2,
			"rentalAvailable": true,
			"subscriptionPrice": 10.95,
			"subscriptionAvailable": false,
			"subscribeAllVideos": true,
			"previewVideoUrl360p": null,
			"fileAttachments": [],
			"published": true,
			"purchasePrice": null,
			"purchaseAvailable": false,
			"availablePurchaseOptions": [
	"webinarTopics": [
			"id": 1234,
			"title": "Growing Your Business",
			"descriptionHtml": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
			"imageSrc": "..image url",
			"imageThumbSrc": "..image url",
			"duration": 75,
			"price": 0.00,
			"url": "/webinar/growing-your-business/1234",
			"upcoming": [
					"id": 12345,
					"name": "Tech Buzz",
					"startTimeUtc": "2020-12-31T00:00:00Z",
					"maxAttendees": 1000,
					"currentAttendees": 2
			"attachments": []
	"teamMembers": [
			"profileDescription": "... profile text",
			"country": "United States of America",
			"qualificationsHtml": "",
			"location": "New York, United States of America",
			"bannerImageUrl": null,
			"bookingCountAllTime": 0,
			"bookingCount30Days": 0,
			"id": 1234,
			"firstName": "John",
			"lastName": "Smith",
			"fullName": "John Smith",
			"displayName": "jsmith",
			"url": "/jsmith",
			"profileImageUrl": "..image url",
			"profileThumbUrl": "..image url",
			"profileThumb32Url": "..image url"


1-to-1 Session detail


This gives detailed data for a single 1-to-1 listing. Get the URL from the url field from the object in the listings array from the Products List.

Example Response (truncated):

	"listing": {
		"duration": 30.0,
		"availability": true,
		"materials": [],
		"portfolios": [],
		"teamMember": {
			"profileDescription": "... profile text",
			"country": "United States of America",
			"qualificationsHtml": "",
			"location": "New York, United States of America",
			"bannerImageUrl": null,
			"bookingCountAllTime": 0,
			"bookingCount30Days": 0,
			"id": 1234,
			"firstName": "John",
			"lastName": "Smith",
			"fullName": "John Smith",
			"displayName": "jsmith",
			"url": "/jsmith",
			"profileImageUrl": "..image url",
			"profileThumbUrl": "..image url",
			"profileThumb32Url": "..image url"
		"category": "Consulting",
		"type": "Listing",
		"id": 1234,
		"title": "This is the session title",
		"price": 400.0,
		"image220Url": "..image url",
		"image360Url": "..image url",
		"image580Url": "..image url",
		"url": "/consulting/This-is-the-session-title/1234",
		"descriptionHtml": "... session description",
		"prerequisiteHtml": null,
		"published": true
	"upcomingAvaliability": [

Video On Demand detail


This gives detailed data for a single video on demand title. Get the URL from the url field from the object in the videos array from the Products List.

If the video is free to view without purchasing, the video asset URLs will also be included.

Example Response (truncated):

	"video": {
		"id": 1234,
		"title": "Double Digit Growth Goals",
		"descriptionHtml": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
		"author": "John Smith",
		"tags": [
		"uploadedDate": "2018-03-15T18:19:09.517",
		"duration": 360,
		"thumbnail220Url": "..image url",
		"thumbnail360Url": "..image url",
		"thumbnail720Url": "..image url",
		"url": "/video/double-digit-growth-goals/1234",
		"rentalPrice": 5.0,
		"rentalPeriod": 2,
		"rentalAvailable": true,
		"subscriptionPrice": 10.95,
		"subscriptionAvailable": false,
		"subscribeAllVideos": true,
		"previewVideoUrl360p": null,
		"fileAttachments": [],
		"published": true,
		"purchasePrice": null,
		"purchaseAvailable": false,
		"availablePurchaseOptions": [

Webinar detail


This gives detailed data for a single webinar topic. Get the URL from the url field from the object in the webinarTopics array from the Products List.

Upcoming webinar sessions are listed in the upcoming field.

Example Response (truncated):

	"webinarTopic": {
		"id": 1234,
			"title": "Growing Your Business",
			"descriptionHtml": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
			"imageSrc": "..image url",
			"imageThumbSrc": "..image url",
			"duration": 75,
			"price": 0.00,
			"url": "/webinar/growing-your-business/1234",
			"upcoming": [
					"id": 12345,
					"name": "Tech Buzz",
					"startTimeUtc": "2020-12-31T00:00:00Z",
					"maxAttendees": 1000,
					"currentAttendees": 2
			"attachments": []